
How much could your business save on hotel stays?

When you join Hotel Engine, you get up to 60% off on lodging for business travel at accommodations worldwide. Check out how much you can save in a few clicks by using our savings calculator.

Number of trips per month
Length of stay (nights) per trip
Number of travelers per trip
Booking 1 week or more in advance?
Do you use a travel expense management tool?

Estimated annual savings

Estimated annual savings based on hotel price, Hotel Engine Rewards bonus program, and time saved per month.
Get your free account now!

This hotel cost calculator is a service to help you estimate the potential cost advantages of booking accommodations through Hotel Engine. Calculations are based on Hotel Engine rates and take into account the value accrued through the Hotel Engine Rewards loyalty program, as well as assumptions for cost savings in time and effort. These estimates are intended solely for general information and education and are not a guarantee of financial benefits.

The world’s fastest-growing
hotel booking platform

More hotels in more places

Our massive hotel inventory is unparalleled within business travel, and makes it easy to find a great stay at an exclusive price every time.

Our Hotels

Flexibility, guaranteed

When plans change you can easily modify guest names, trip dates, special requests and more. No questions asked.

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Unbeatable savings

Up to 60% savings to instantly lower your travel costs company-wide.

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